Friday, November 21, 2008

So this week...

This was actually pretty tight. I had two projects and both of them went super! I was hella nervous for both actually. But thank it is all over now! Well for now, I probably got more project presentation in the future but thank got the two I just did is over. No more stressing over it. I looked fly as shit also. I was trying to pull of the 1950's classic look and Dita Von Teese look as well. But what really sucked was my hair went rom curly to flat in a matter of hours because I didn't put hairspray in it. But it made cute soft waves so I appreciate that. I did the whole red lip stick and liquid eye liner thing as well. HOTTTTTTNESS RIGHT? I walked in yesterday with black stockings, a black dress (knee length), black heels, and a cute elegant hoodie to go along with my look. Everyone was like 'damnnnnnn' and all eye balling me up and down. I didn't feel that much appreciation and love in a matter of seconds. LOL! Beside what I wore, I just got my very sexy touchscreen T-Mobile G1 phone. Its fun to play with.

Beside everything, this whole month been going peachy. I started my diet, began to crochet and knit, and just relaxed my whole way through the month. Didn't go on dates recently because they're gay as shit. Nothing really new with me beside them few things. Next week is Thanksgiving and Black Friday. I'm doing the same thing, Eating turkey on Thanksgiving and for Black Friday heading to Deleware at 5:30am to shop then at night, going to the Fat City Reprise Concert with Svet.

So whats new with you?